Just because you've made it home doesn't mean you are out of the woods! Dr. Mark Wise takes a look at a few of the more common post-travel health issues, and what to do about them.
Victims of violence on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are taking peace into their own hands.
Thinking about teaching English as a second language? Here are some basics.
TESL terms explained.
Interested in teaching overseas but overwhelmed at the options for learning how? Start here for some basics in choosing the right course for you.
Faced with myriad choices, how do you find a credible volunteer abroad organization?
Is the world really your oyster? Expert Susan Griffith presents the second part of her article on grown-up gap years, with insight on the practical reality of volunteering abroad.
Buses aren't only an eco-friendly way to travel: When it comes to adventure, airplanes just don't compare.  
Seeking medical help at home can sometimes be challenging, but when you need it abroad, you'd better be prepared.
In The Road to Lukomir (Spring 2009), Sean Brander brings us to a remote village, high in the mountains of central Bosnia, where the impact of tourism is being felt for the first time. Here is Sean's advice on how to reach Lukomir, on your own steam.
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