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Skillshare International's vision is of a world without poverty, injustice and inequality where people, regardless of cultural, social and political divides, come together for mutual benefit, living in peaceful co-existence. Requests for development worke ...

The Junior Professional Programme (JPP) is a starting point for careers at the Inter-American Development Bank. The Bank has traditionally sought skills in areas such as economics, finance, engineering, business, management, law, education, health, and pu ...

UNAIDS grants internships to selected post-secondary students to allow them to participate in the work of UNAIDS and to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of UNAIDS' goals, policies and activities. UNAIDS only proposes internship oppo ...

The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF's work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff.

The Leadership Development Programme (LEAD) is an entry point for young development professionals interested in a career with UNDP. It provides qualified individuals exciting opportunities to develop their experience, knowledge and skills and to serve as ...

JHR provides an opportunity for experienced journalists and lawyers to contribute to media development and human rights awareness in some of the world's poorest yet most dynamic regions. JHR does not send journalists or lawyers overseas to work by themsel ...

The MRC Internship programme has been developed to increase the opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and skills, between sectors and cultures within the mandate of MRC. The objective of the programme is to provide work experience opportunities for bo ...

Connect-123 facilitates international internship and volunteer positions, linking students and graduates with hands-on learning opportunities in Argentina, China, Ireland, South Africa and Spain for personal and career development. We work across a wide r ...

The Young Professionals Programme in Media (YPM), sponsored by Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is designed to develop leadership and management skills and promote learning for o ...

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.

The Circumpolar Young Leaders Programme (CYLP) provides Northern youth with training and work experience at leading organizations in Arctic countries.

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.

An internship programme for a selected number of applicants who have completed their graduate studies or are pursuing postgraduate studies. Internships could be in the Legislative Branch or the Technical Assistance Section. These sections are tasked, resp ...

Internships for graduate students are available at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). These internships are intended to: a) increase the intern's understanding of current human rights issues at the international l ...

Each summer the Inter-American Development Bank hires up to 35 Summer Interns, for a period of two months. The purpose of the programme is to provide an opportunity for university students at the graduate level to learn about the operations of the IDB, an ...

Junior fellows are persons with a post-graduate degree in criminal law, international law, criminology, or criminal justice who serve in the framework of UNICRI training programme. Junior fellows preferably have previous experience in or with the United N ...

Since 1959 the International Camp Counsellor Programme has provided camp counsellors and support staff from more than 80 countries, to various camps throughout the USA. All applicants are pre-screened and each application includes a Police Background Chec ...

UNICRI offers to a restricted number of undergraduate students the opportunity to be exposed to the work of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice and gain a better understanding of the United Nations goals, standards and ...

Occasionally the United Nations arranges ad-hoc internships for graduate students specializing in a field related to the work of the United Nations. These internships are intended to promote among the participants a better understanding of international p ...

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